Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Can't.... Stop.... FB..... Creeping..... AHHHH

If you find yourself mindlessly clicking your facebook, flikr or any other website that you frequent.. well, you have a problem. Not only do you waste countless productive minutes, but its just a sad state of being.
As I am no exception to the rule, I decided I needed to fix my terrible surfing habbits and proactively change them.
In chimes LeechBlock.
Nice simple FF plugin that blocks sites you tell it to either during certain times, or for a max # of minutes / day. (I prefer the latter)

Stop wasting your time and get it here!


Unknown said...

Ha, good idea but ladder is actually spelled latter in this case. Just to be an anal spelling jerk.

Jordan said...

Nikue to the english rescue
a thank you