Thursday, April 17, 2008

HPV-related oral cancers rise among younger men

The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women has now been linked to an uptick of throat, tonsil and tongue cancers - in a younger and healthier group of patients than doctors have ever seen before.

Things seem to be moving closer and closer to the virtual sex helmets from the movie Demolition Man :S
(no, not Snipes and Stallone, it was Bullock and Stallone)

Found this lil diddy on google, lol. Someone actually put time and energy into describing the likelyhood of all the tech from the movie actually coming true..... w/e, I used it

Virtual sex
Likelyhood: low
Time Frame: 2040+
Sex / brain technology:
Sex has been outlawed as dangerous and unclean. People are no longer used to touching each other.
Because sexual behavior is so heavily hardwired, it might be relatively easy to engineer with genetic and chemical interventions. But the societies that would contemplate doing this—North Korea and the Taliban in Afghanistan for instance—are dwindling. Westerners would not submit to it, whatever the wishes of some on the Christian right.
Virtual reality is substituted, with direct-to-brain "digital transference of sexual energies."
Some clunky devices for virtual sex are already being devised. But virtual sex won't replace the real thing until images and sensations can be downloaded directly into the brain—and this may never be possible.
From Here

HPV Article

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