Monday, March 3, 2008


Act I, Scene I

Welcome one and all, to the inaugural post of what promises to be an interesting adventure for me and you.

What I plan to do here at Logically Creative is generate a collaboration of information that I find.
I might toss in some pictures from a concert, a new ad campaign I like, a tool make your life easier, or simply use it as a soap box to preach on.

Some of the stuff will be linked from places like digg and lifehacker, but I guarantee it will be 100% interesting shit.

'Logically Creative'? wtf name...

Basically, I've always been a logical person. If I'm going to plan a trip somewhere, I make a list of all the stuff I wanna see there, and logically plan out an efficient route to do it all.
That being said, I can't do anything the 'normal' way. Call me pretentious, call me a elites or a snob, but if there are instructions, you're lucky if I read them, let alone follow em.
I like to take other ideas ans put a personal spin on em. Sometimes it's to adjust it to my particular situation, sometimes for my personal tastes, and sometimes, its just cuz I'm too lazy to do it the 'proper' way. I hate busy work, and if I can achieve the same, or an acceptable level result by doing less work, than that's how I'm going to do it.

In short, although we all like to think we are original at one point or another, all our ideas are just a collaboration of previous ideas; sometimes from similar subjects (ketchup and mustard in the same bottle Jerry!), and sometimes the greatest ideas come from putting two totally different things together (a camera in a phone, albeit, they still haven't quite perfected that one yet).

This is the premise for this 'blog'


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