Thursday, March 20, 2008

So You Wanna...

Nice little instructable how to site

This one might come in particularly Handy for most of us....


Their Hangover 'cure', lol

1. Take 2 aspirins
2. Take 200mg cysteine (available at specialty food stores)
3. Take 600mg vitamin C
4. Take 1 tablet vitamin B-complex
5. Mix the following ingredients together in a blender:

* 1 banana
* 1 small can V-8
* 6 large strawberries
* 2 tablespoons honey
* 1 cup orange juice
* 1-2 cups milk (or soy milk), to desired consistency
* ¼ tsp. salt
* dash of nutmeg

6. Drink it all up.

I take no responsibility for what this does to your body

Full Article Here

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