Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Got some Cash to Blow?

This article says why not spend that nice little tax refund on some gadgets.

Most of the stuff is crap, but the Casio camera is pretty cool.

Let's face it. The reason your digital pictures suck has nothing to do with the number of megapixals in your camera. Even if you had a 30MB camera, you'd still capture your wife blinking, your kids just after they made that spectacular catch or the dog before he even jumps to catch the Frisbee.

That's why the Casio EX-F1 is so revolutionary. When you snap a photo, the camera doesn't take one, but 60 frames in a single second: 30 frames in the half-second after you press the button, and -- miraculously -- 30 frames in the half-second before you pressed it. Then, you can quickly scroll through those 60 frames, pick the perfect one and capture it for saving to the camera's storage.
Related Blog
Haven't filed your taxes yet?

Even the flash is fast; a secondary LED flash can keep up with that 60 frame-per-second rate. And video! How about shooting super slow-mo at 1,200 frames per second?

Though sorting through all those images would suck, the 1200 frames/s video would be really fun to play with.


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